The Kiwanis Club of Barrie!
Based on requests for support to community associations who help and guide children and youth, we assist with funding and/or volunteer our time. In 2024, we partnered with The Dollywood Foundation to provide the Imagination Library to children in Barrie and Innisfil. This program provides a free gift of one book per month to children registered to age 6. Currently we are providing 180 books each month which in turn promotes literacy, another key project of Kiwanis International. We promote Terrrific Kids to local schools with a program to recognize quality character traits such as respect and cooperation. The Barrie Foodbank receives funding annually. We also support and promote our Kiwanis Worldwide Service Project, Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus a major health and quality of life program to protect mothers and their babies from that infection. For this larger Worldwide Project Kiwanis partners with UNICEF
Food Trailer
We own a food trailer and food barbecues that we use at Community Events/School Fundraisers/Charity Events to earn money for contribution to our many community projects that we support.
Children and Youth Clubs
Kiwanis does encourage and support children and youth clubs in cooperation with the educational organizations that they attend. Most common are Builders (grades 6 - 8), Key (high school) Circle K (post secondary) as well as Aktion Clubs for youth and young adults with special needs. The clubs' members run their own activities related to community service in the schools as well as their community. They have a staff advisor as well as a Kiwanis advisor.
Huronia Festival of Arts and Crafts
We are Joint Venture Partners with the Barrie Art Club in running this event yearly as well as doing food sales in 2 locations during the event.Delta Bingo
We provide Members to help at Delta Bingos to raise money to fund our many community projects.
Literacy Programs
We have Club Members who weekly work with Children in selected Schools assisting them with reading programs.
MacLaren Art Centre Childrens' Programs
Financial support is provided to support their childrens' programs.
The Barrie Food Bank
We annually provide the needed personal members assistance for Events and the Financial Contribution of the Kiwanis Club required to support this very worthy program.
Barrie Woman and Children's Shelter
We provide the Barbecue Support of Members and Food for the Annual "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes Event" and Club Financial Support for the Shelter as needed. In 2018 the Kiwanis club provided a $50,000 committment to their recent renovation fundraiser.
David Busby Centre
Our Club Members personal prepare and deliver 100 Sandwiches/with Cookies in a zip lock bag every two weeks (26 times per year) to the David Busby Homeless Shelter and in 2018 provided a $100,000 Committement to the "New Reconstruction Project" of their current building.
Coats and Boots Program
Our annual "Coats and Boots" program began in 2020/21. Through schools in the Barie area we provide new winter clothing, including jackets and snow pants, to elementary school aged children.his program supports families who are struggling to provide their children with the basic necessities. Community partners knit hats and local vendors Giant Tiger and Old Navy, South Barrie give us generour discounts on our purchases. In 2023/24 we were able to clothe 116 children in 9 elementary schools.